Thinking Grace Blog
The grace of understanding comes through thinking.![Pastor Andy Aikens Pastor Andy Aikens](
Thy Will Be Done
In our July hymn of the month Gregory Wilbur helped us sing lines like, “Love will make obedience sweet,” and “your commands become our happy choice.” These lines get at the heart of the Lord’s Prayer and its third petition, “Thy will be done, on earth as it is in...
July Hymn of the Month Come, ye souls by sin afflicted,Bowed with fruitless sorrow down;By the broken law convicted,Through the cross behold the crown;Look to Jesus;Mercy flows through him alone. Take his easy yoke and wear it;Love will make...
The Lord’s Prayer
The Lord’s prayer is a powerful tool for shaping our prayers, for our Lord instructed us that thisis how we should pray. He did not say this is necessarily what we pray but how we pray. Thisdoesn’t mean we are wrong to pray the Lord’s Prayer, but it is a reminder that...
Hallowed Be Thy Name
Question 88 of the Westminster Shorter Catechism speaks of the ordinary means of grace,which are the Word, the sacraments, and prayer. In Acts 2 we see the early church expressingabundant confidence in these gifts of God for their protection and for the building of...
Prayer as Dependence
Last month we examined how the ordinary means of grace - the Word, the sacraments, andprayer - grow the people of God. In the article we saw how Acts 2 provided us with the patternof the early church. These believers submitted to the Apostles' teaching, partook of the...
Reaching Out – July
Hospitality is a key aspect to an effective witness. Scripture calls us to practice hospitality, which is defined as a spirit of welcoming born out in displays of kindness and care to others. Hebrews 13:2 says, “Do not neglect to show hospitality to...
June 2018 – Identity and Mission
When we describe ourselves by our mission, we are saying, “because we are Transformed by the grace of Jesus’ death and resurrection on our behalf, we are delighting in the supremacy of God in all things as we reach up to Him in worship, reach in to one...
Aligning Our Thoughts
There is nothing so discouraging to a team than not working together. Unity is not uniformity. Unity is about shared mission and vision. Agreement over who we are and what we do must drive our decisions. So let’s begin, who are we? Transformed by the grace of Jesus’...
Soli Deo Gloria – November
Soli Deo Gloria "To God Alone be the Glory" As we conclude our look at the Five Solas of the Reformation, examining the capstone of these declarations is fitting. Our purpose in life is framed by this pronouncement. We live to make God’s name known and for it to be...
Reformation Theology – October
Five important phrases, known as the five Solas from their Latin renderings, represent the very heart of the Reformation. After Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the Wittenberg Chapel door on October 31, 1517 these great truths became the bedrock of theology that...