Mission of the Month:  Operation Christmas Child is a yearly project of Samaritan’s Purse. This ministry is to make opportunities to share the Gospel with children and families and partner with local churches to reach out to their communities.  Our church has participated in this ministry since 2003 filling boxes, volunteering, or both.

 For prayer … 

– for the children receiving boxes

– for our own volunteers as well as the thousands of other local volunteers

– for excellent participation of our members in this project.


Annual Meeting- is scheduled for December 9th directly after the service.  Sandwiches and drinks will be provided.  Please plan to attend this important meeting.


Bread of Life Dinner-Bread of Life Rescue Mission on Tuesday, November 27th.  A sign-up sheet for servers and food preparation is in the Fellowship Hall.  Food should be at the church no later than 5:00 p.m. (if you plan to take your food directly to Bread of Life on the day of the dinner, please call Carol Sparks at 931-287-4440.) Questions? Please see Jim or Carol Sparks.


Ladies-Save the date for our Christmas luncheon on Saturday, December 8th at 11:30 a.m. More details to come.


The 2018 PCA Women’s Love Gift- recipient is the Cherish ministry, a ministry of care and nurture for Pastors’ wives. We will be taking donations for the Love Gift during the month of November. For more information, go to 2018lovegift.org. To donate, please make out your checks to First Presbyterian Church with “2018 Love Gift” in the memo section.


Women’s Bible Study-This Tuesday, 11/13 at 9:30 we will continue our study from “The Lamb of God” by Nancy Guthrie.  Lesson 4 will cover Exodus 13-17.  This will be our only lesson in November due to Thanksgiving.


Coffee Volunteers needed-We are still looking for volunteers to make coffee  for the months of

May, August and December.  There is a sign up sheet in the Fellowship Hall. Please help if you can so we can get the schedule made and sent to people for their calendars for 2019.  Thanks everyone